6 steps to improve communication with your customers

6 steps to improve communication with your customers

The environment is changing and so is the way we relate to our customers. The behavior and habits of customers have evolved, the current client is empowered, well informed and eager to find products and services that really connect with them and their needs.

Step by step towards an ideal communication

Nowadays its essential that the client be the center of the operation, which implies building an increasingly closer and authentic relationship. The communication that is established with the client is the basis of this relationship, so it’s important to improve it, strengthen it and guide it in the short, medium and long term.

There are different ways and tools to improve communication with our customers. The important thing is to know how to keep them satisfied, loyal and thus lay the foundations for that solid link we wish to establish.

1. The customer is the focal point

The vision, mission and values of the company must explicitly include the philosophy of the client at the center, which allows you to differentiate yourself and starts from the inside out. It must be lived internally in the company so that the client perceives it and benefits from it.

On the other hand, we must know their interests and concerns. Commercial intelligence no longer only manages sales indicators, but also manages data that allows one to know the customer thoroughly and to take decisions aimed at going beyond commercial exchange. That is why we see more and more personalized strategies that translate into closer company-client relations.

2. Promote active listening

Following the same trend, we must actively engage, talk and listen to the client. This is a skill that develops with practice and requires spending more time in conversations, checking through questions to make sure we are understanding the message, and asking for feedback.

3. Define interaction frameworks

We must have clear policies, procedures and guidelines so that all employees who interact with clients do so in an appropriate and standardized manner. This must be part of the training of the employees.

4. Identify key processes and roles

We must study the organizational chart and processes of the company to detect which are the key roles in communication with the client. By having done that the employees involved can receive the training and necessary support to perform in the best possible way.

5. Invest in technology

We must consider allocating a budget to the acquisition and administration of the necessary tools so that the communication with the client flows easily and permanently. We can maintain contact and presence with CRM systems, social networks, customer service or AI technology to automate processes.

6. Value Content

Customers are exposed daily to millions of messages, so we must ensure that our content is of value. That is, the messages that the company issues, regardless of the medium that it uses, must be relevant and timely.

For communication to be managed efficiently, it must be measured through parameters that quantify our performance. Some indicators that can be calculated and used as input in commercial intelligence are: recall, level of identification with the message, level of acceptance, changes in habits fostered by the messages, among others.

By following these tips, you can implement your own and differentiating dynamics with clients.