How Artificial Intelligence fits in your company

How Artificial Intelligence fits in your company

Sundar Pichai, Google’s CEO, kicked off the Google I / O 2017 by saying that the boom and sophistication of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in a global scale -and its results- has made the company move from a “mobile world” towards an Artificial Intelligence one.  According to statistics 15% of enterprises use AI and 31% declared having it in their 12-month roadmap. Thus, we can see that the phenomenon is not only in the mind of the internet giant.

The fact that Artificial Intelligence is more than an informatic solution and is more of a tool that adapts to different needs make it a solid business trend in short and medium term.

How is Artificial Intelligence adapted?

Every company in the world has problems to solve and processes to optimize. The solution to these quandaries, in most of occasions, is a tool based in AI. According to a MIT Sloan Management Review, of the Boston Consulting Group, IT, supply chain management and customer service activities, including marketing automation, support and service, will be the areas most benefited by Artificial Intelligence in the next five years.

The statistics of the study show that:

  • 84% of the polled say that AI will allow them to gain or maintain a competitive advantage.
  • 83% of them consider it to be a strategic priority for their businesses.
  • 75% affirm that it will allow them to enter new industries and adventures.

AI appears to be a moldable solution that could fit any company that needs to optimize its processes. The key lies in maintaining focus within the solution to designed efficient systems capable of eradicating the specific problem and enhance the work of different teams. The idea is to find a solution that provides value in an integral way.

What processes are benefited from the use of AI?

The need for companies to optimize their sales, post sales and support processes is growing. In this sense, companies like Wholemeaning offer integral solutions based in the development of AI so that, together with other elements, they help sales executives to better manage their time, productivity and effectiveness.

However, the field of action can be much broader. For example, Gestran Bank, is a Chilean transactional intelligence service specially designed for the financial industry that -through AI- collects the data generated in the transaction chains of the banks and converts them into useful knowledge for decision making and business administration.

In short, Artificial Intelligence is a technology that provides innumerable benefits when optimizing various processes, thanks to the work of companies focused on the integral development of solutions based on the operational needs of each company, gaining prestige and credibility locally and internationally.